Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Commitments at the Tote

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the Tote

At the Tote, our mission is to create an inclusive environment where all colleagues feel represented and supported, and to be a company where people from all backgrounds can be their authentic selves and feel included in the Tote’s journey.

Companies which have a diverse workforce and an inclusive working environment perform more strongly and are better at attracting and retaining talent. This is crucial to the Tote as we continue our ambitious growth plans and revitalisation of the 90+ year old company.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Commitments at the Tote


  • We ensure equality, diversity and inclusion is part of regular Board level discussion and decision-making.

  • We have a designated Board member to champion equality, diversity and inclusion and agree specific activities to drive change.

  • We are working towards creating a diverse board with the skills and expertise required to support the growth of the UK Tote Group.


  • We are committed to undertaking practices and processes to ensure we have a complete record and understand relevant information about all colleagues in our company.

  • We are a member of the All-In Diversity Project.

Awareness and Education around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

  • We gather colleagues’ views on diversity and inclusion issues via people surveys and regular company-wide discussion sessions.

  • We ensure all colleagues undertake learning and development on equality, diversity and inclusion, including their benefit for the company, as well as wider society.

Supporting colleagues and promoting equality

  • Our aim is to attract a diverse workforce of people who are passionate about what they do, reflect our values, and simply want to do their best. We recruit, promote and reward our people on the basis of merit and ability.

  • We seek to actively support all colleagues to create a diverse and inclusive environment. This is done through our policies and practices, sharing best practice on equality, diversity and inclusion, and utilising opportunities to celebrate difference and fostering understanding through national and international events.

Engaging with customers and external stakeholders

  • We ensure all promotional activity and marketing send a clear and consistent message that the Tote is a company for everyone.